This was a pretty good week!
We had a baptism in our area! Her name is Sheila and she was a contact that Elder Passos made when he first got here. We didn't have time to visit her during our first transfer, so we never got around to talk to her again. Then when this transfer came around we started to teach her and she really started to progress. She took a little while to be baptized because she had to work a lot on Sundays, but she talked to her boss and was able to get Sundays off so she could go to Church. We taught her a few lessons and her family is supportive. We had the baptism before church yesterday and it was great. José was there with his family and so was Charles. It was so great that they could be there and feel the Spirit to maybe help them with their own Spiritual progression.
(Sheila's Baptism)
This week I did a division in Pindamonhangaba. Yes, that is a real place and that is the name. I was there because the District Leader told me that some of the Elders in his house were not being very obedient and not waking up on time and not studying. So the next day I observed how they acted the first day, and it was not good. I got to their area at 9:30 in the morning and they were just rolling out of bed. They didn't study, and they left the house super late. So that night I got kind of mad at them, because we need to be obedient in order to do this work and receive the blessings from our Heavenly Father. That night I promised them that if they woke up on time, studied, personally and with your companion, that they would feel the Spirit more and miracles would happen. We then all go to bed, wake up the next morning and I still had to help a little bit (and I mean walking into their room clapping pots and pans together to make them get out of bed...) They studied personally and as a companionship. After that, I went back to Taubaté and work in my area. When I call the District Leaders that night to see how their day went, I get a great story from Pindamonhangaba. Those elders that woke up on time and studied received a reference. The missionaries ran into someone that had a list of 15 ready to be taught! They are scheduling individual lessons with all of those people right now. It was just a great testimony builder that obedience brings blessings.
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder McKeon
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